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The Fifth Seminar on Sino-French Cultural Heritage Law and International Seminar on Intangible Cultural Heritage Law and Policy in Taipei Held Successfully

Updated 2016-07-02 10:17

June 30 to July 1, 2016, International Seminar on Intangible Cultural Heritage Law and Policy in Taipei was held successfully in International Cultural and Educational Center. As the fifth assembly of Seminar on Sino-French Cultural Heritage Law, it was organized by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, National Chengchi University and University of Taipei. The co-organizers were the University of Toulouse 1, Renmin University of China Law School, Taiwan Yuanzhao Publishing House and Zhongbo Law Firm. French scholars from the University of Toulouse 1 and the research institute of Albi Champollion University, and scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Straits who were delegated by Remin University of China Law School, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, National Chengchi University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Taipei University and University of Taipei took part in the seminar. In addition, officers who holding a post in Taiwan cultural and legal field and delegates from protecting intangible cultural heritage in practice field also attended the seminar.

 The topic for discussion is comparing the current situation of intangible cultural heritage law and policy between France and both sides of the Taiwan Straits. The seminar also focused on legal system’s role in protecting intangible cultural heritage in practice. In four seminars, participants shared some model cases of protecting intangible cultural heritage in France and both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Based on those cases, they discussed the protection of intangible cultural heritage in both public law field and private law field. They also paid attention to the relationship between protecting intangible cultural heritage and human rights and other questions such as different subjects’ effect and legal status in protecting intangible cultural heritage. As the director of Cultural Heritage Law Research Institute, Professor Wang Yunxia attended the seminar and made a statement. Professor Shi Jiayou and doctor Hu Shanchen from Renmin University of China Law School also gave a speech during the seminar.

 Seminar on Sino-French Cultural Heritage Law, as a series of academic conference, was organized by Renmin University of China Law School and l'Université Clermont-Auvergne in 2011. It takes turns between China and France, and the former four seminars were respectively held in Beijing, Clermont, Shanghai and Toulouse. Four seminar proceedings have been published separately in China and France, and they are valued by scholars, students, cultural heritage’s managers and people from all walks of life who pay close attention to the protection of cultural heritage. This series of seminar have become an important academic brand in cultural heritage law field. It will be of great significance to discipline construction and international communication in the field of cultural heritage law.

(Translated by MA Wendi; Edited by ZHANG Yadong)