YU Yang

YU Yang

Yu Yang obtained his Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2013 and joined the School of Public Administration and Policy at Renmin University of China in the same year. He has successively held positions such as Lecturer and Associate Professor, and is currently serving as the Deputy Director of the Department of Urban Planning and Management. He also holds a concurrent position as a researcher at the Capital Development and Strategic Research Institute of Renmin University of China and is currently serving as the Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee in Tongzhou District. His main research interests include urban renewal, heritage protection, and urban planning law and institutions. He has published over thirty papers in top academic journals both domestically and internationally, such as Cities, Land Use Policy, Urban Affairs Review, Chinese Public Administration, Journal of Renmin University of China, and Urban Planning. He has published three academic monographs, two edited works, and one translated work in Mainland China and Singapore, including "The Judicial Logic of Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation" and "Political Transformation and Spatial Resistance." He has received awards such as the Jin Jingchang Chinese Urban Planning Excellent Paper Second Prize and Third Prize, the First Prize in the Beijing Young Teachers' Teaching Skills Competition, and the 2022 Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Award Second Prize, and was selected for the Beijing Outstanding Talent Training Support Program for Young Backbone Individuals. His main academic positions include Deputy Secretary-General of the Planning Implementation Committee of the Urban Planning Society of China, Expert Member of the Urban Governance Committee of the Chinese Urban Science Association, and Expert Member of the Youth Committee of the China Urban Economics Association.