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MU Yongqiang


Mu Yongqiang, Songyuan, Jilin Province, Associate Professor, Master's supervisor. He received a bachelor's and master's degree in history from Lanzhou University and was a visiting scholar at East Texas Baptist University in 2005. He received a doctorate in law from Renmin University of China in 2013. He is mainly engaged in the study of cultural heritage law and intellectual property law, and is now a member of the Legal Professional Committee of China Museum Association. He has published a monograph on the legal status of bona fide purchasers in international disputes over the return of cultural property, and a textbook entitled Legal English. He presided over Gansu Province Social Science Planning, Ministry of Education Youth Project (Formation and Evolution of International Rules for the Return of Cultural Relics), National Social Science Foundation Project (Research on the Diversified Mechanism of Recovering Lost Cultural Relics in China), and completed two teaching research projects and published more than 20 academic papers. He was awarded the third prize for outstanding achievements in scientific research in Colleges and universities of Gansu Province.